The key to successful business continuity plans is agility. Should an unexpected outage occur, companies need to be able to react as quickly as possible to keep operations running as smoothly as possible until a full recovery is possible. Organizations have to be ready for any possible scenario, including one where their office – and servers – are completely destroyed. Fire and tornadoes are unpredictable enough to cause massive amounts of damage, and workplaces are often right in the middle of their warpaths.
One of the ways to best equip a business to handle almost any crisis is to implement cloud backup for essential system setting and sensitive data. Cloud technology makes it so that whatever is stored in it can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection.
This can be especially helpful in those scenarios where a building or hardware might be rendered useless after a vicious storm or other phenomenon. Temporary worksites are going to be critical in surviving the outage, and the cloud allows them to be instantly recalled as soon as they are needed.
Like other cloud-based services, cloud server backup also possess an inherently high level of customization.
"If you tier your data and prioritize services and applications, you can take advantage of granular subscription models that reflect a wide range of cost, performance, availability, recovery time and recovery point objectives, and redundancy options," said InformationWeek contributor Kurt Marko, adding that this caliber of protection needs to "go beyond the basic cloud-based backup services … to include a full panoply of application encapsulation, data replication, failover/failback automation, and testing services that deliver familiar IT runbook processes in a service model."
Effective disaster recovery planning operates under the assumption that anything can happen. Cloud backup helps to prepare for the unknown.
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